---- Original message ----
>Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2006 02:32:01 -0500 (EST)
>From: Woodchuck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: mounting an svnd device on /var  
>To: misc@openbsd.org
>On Thu, 7 Dec 2006, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
>> it's not clear to me where the best place to mount a disk image is using
>> vnconfig for the whole /var partition. this should obviously happen after
>> mounting /usr.
>> advice appreciated.
>> cheers,
>> jake
>For a start, I'd *guess* it could be mounted immediately after the
>file-system containing its "regular file" (and of course /usr) is
>mounted.  If this file-system is not nfs, then that is at the first
>occurences of "mount" in /etc/rc.  (Around line 203 in 4.0).  You
>would add your vnconfig and mount command there.  You now have a 
>"non-standard" /etc/rc.


thanks for your input! this is essentially where i was thinking about adding it.
specifically, between lines 260 and 261:

mount -s /usr >/dev/null 2>&1
mount -s /var >/dev/null 2>&1

i'll give this a shot.

>You want it mounted before logging and any other process or daemon
>that uses /var is run, including daemons that chroot to /var, notably
>named.  You probably want them running on the svnd, not "underneath"
>it on whatever /var was before mounting the svnd.


>Note that if you plan on encryption, the vnconfig command will hang
>waiting for the key.  It uses a call to getpass(3) for the key,
>which will read from /dev/tty.  Usually /etc/rc executes with a
>/dev/tty so I think that if you use vnconfg -k or -K in /etc/rc, a
>human will have to intervene at boot time to enter the key.  (I
>don't know a cute, simple way (i.e. a shell trick) to execute
>vnconfig without a controlling terminal, so it could read from its
>stdin (presumably a disk file or maybe from some dongle-like Sekrit
>Krypto Device) or if that would be a good idea anyway.)  You could
>hack vnconfig to read the key from a file, but that's kinda insecure.
>I don't know your threat model.  See man getpass(3).

i am aware that it will hang at the passphrase prompt, as i have a netbsd
machine (ugh!) with cgd as my mailserver and it does just this on boot.  using a
dongle is a possibility, but i would rather enter a password over a serial
console and/or use a salt file.

the threat model is physical theft of the mailserver while i am not on-site and
that the machine is running netbsd ;).


>Hoping for further comments,
>  [In] all human groups at all times there are the few who rule
>                   and the many who are ruled.
>                        -- A. Livingston

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