On 12/11/06, Dr. Harry Knitter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
having installed php and phpldapadmin the later tells me that my php
configuration appears to be missing ldap support.
To httpd.conf I have added
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

I did:
cd /var/www/htdocs
ln -s ../phpldapadmin-0.9.7 phpldapadmin

mkdir /var/www/tmp
chown www:daemon /var/www/tmp
chmod 1755 /var/www/tmp

# /usr/local/sbin/phpxs -a ldap

of course I have changed my /var/www/phpldapadmin-0.9.7/config.php according
to my needs.

Did I forget anything?

You've installed the proper php5-ldap package for your arch / version?

You've restarted apache after running phpxs?


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