
I tried your script, but when I come back from resume X seems to die and
after a few minutes I get kicked to xdm.

> Hi James,
> On 2006-12-12T11:45, James Turner wrote:
>> xidle was a great suggestion thanks.  The below script doesn't work
>> either, and for some reason when running apmd in debug mode nothing gets
>> outputted from what I can tell.  For locking the screen before suspend
>> I'll probably just stick with Theo's suggestion and run xlock & zzz,
>> although I would love it to work on lid closer also.
> I use this:
> $ cat /etc/apm/suspend
> #!/bin/ksh
> sudo -u <username> /bin/ksh -c "HOME=/home/<username>;
> /usr/X11R6/bin/xlock \
> -display :0.0" &
> It works for me. If I close the lid, OpenBSD gets locked.
> hth,
> Marcus.

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