I do roughly the same thing with a few of my websites, with one exception, I have a cron job that runs every hour to update the sites. This is not instantaneous but it works well enough for my sites. While you can adjust the timing to every five mins if you need it that quickly (as there would not be any bandwidth usage just disk IO) I found that this way results in way to much email confirming the updates during the times that I am not developing (while I am at work, or in bed for instance) and coming home to several hundred CVS update messages tends to get annoying, let alone makes my inbox a lot larger then I really want to deal with in a short amount of time. Hope this helps.

Michael Osburn
On Dec 16, 2006, at 8:11 PM, James Turner wrote:

I just started using cvs to manage a new web project had a usage question I was wondering if anyone could help me with. Once I run "cvs commit" in my local repos I would like the server to automatically run a "cvs update" on a checkout which is located on the same server as the cvs repos. I was wondering if this was possible and how you might go out doing it. Thanks.

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