Jason Dixon wrote:
On Dec 17, 2006, at 2:51 PM, carlopmart wrote:

Philip Guenther wrote:

On 12/17/06, carlopmart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Somebody knows if exists some option to put on rc.conf file like
FreeBSD does with ipv6_enable="NO" option to disable IPv6 support on
OpenBSD 4.0?

Nope.  No such option exists in OpenBSD.

Or do I need to recompile kernel, modify sendmail.cf, etc,
etc, etc ...?? In other owrds, do I need to reconfigure all process that
need ipv6 to startup??

Yeah, that's one way to end up with a system for which the developers
will basically ignore you if you report a problem.  Is that what
you're trying to accomplish?

Yes, my security staff orders to disable IPv6 protocol on all our firewalls ...

Your security staff is clueless. I bet they like to block icmp echo- request too.

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

Erm, I am don't think I am clueless, often a sign of cluelessness I am sure ... However. I block inbound icmp, well actually inbound anything not shown to be required for specific 'services'.

What about this is cluelez? I ask in a tone not of belligerence, but a desire to be informed by my betters.

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