
I am unable to go to office dueto health reasons and my firm has
allowed me to work from home for 3 months. Icould someone please tell
me the feasible VPN Solutions I have using OpenBSD please?

1) The Company network consists of BSD\Linux\OS X\MS Windows systems
guarded by and OpenBSD firewall.

2) The firewall in connected to two Internet connections with
differrent static IP address. However at a time only one Internet
connection will be active, the other one is a backup connection which
will be activated when the first connection goes down.

3) All hosts behind the firewall make use of NAT to access the Internet.

4) My computer at home will be running OpenBSD most of the time (
sometimes debian/slamd64 ). it will be getting a dynamic Ipaddress
from a DSl router.

5) the DSL router itslef gets dynamic internet IP address from the provider.

What are the feasible VPN solutions for me so that I can access
computers in my company just like i am on the same network?

AuthPF is good but I would like a VPN solution :-)
If there are Docs regarding these please let me know too.

thankyou so much

Kind regards

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