On 1/3/07, Karl R. Balsmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The misc list was the most helpful place to learn. Imagine, asking Jason
Wright and Angeleos Keromytis and Daniel Hartmeier direct questions
about 'bridge' (jason wrote it), Encryption (angeleos was the expert in
it), or Packet Filtering (daniel wrote it) and getting back detailed
responses.  To be able to walk up to my boss and say "I just talked with
the maintainers of the tools we run and they confirmed our hunch, -we
can proceed with "x" if "y" criteria are met".  Talk about a huge
difference with calling a vendor and paying to talk to a trainee looking
at a database entry that might not even be relevant.

I was thinking those exact thoughts yesterday.  Even though I'm not a
developer and can barely get through some basic code I still know that
I can get solid, useful information about OpenBSD.  I haven't used
NetBSD or FreeBSD but I know that the depth and quality of information
available about OpenBSD is magnitudes better than the Linux or any
proprietary OS.


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