This is my first post to a OpenBSD list, so please, if I make any
mistake, go on and correct me,  I will take anything constructively
(like, am I hitting the right list, or the best list for my topic, or
violating any rules, such as having longish lines, which I am trying
hard to avoid using this Seamonkey editor).

OK, I have a fair amount of experience with FreeBSD kernels, but none
using OpenBSD.  My platform is a teeny little Zaurus, and I am trying
to see if I could use some tools such as ccache to speed compilation.
I think that the best way for me to use ccache is to be able to
revector the CC and C++ compilers ... but I'm not certain, could I just
put something like

"make CC=ccache build"

as my main compilation command (after, of course, I do the dependencies)
and get the compioler revectored to my ccache tool?

Other than that, the only thing I have done is to remotely nfs mount src
and obj directories onto a big server machine, and have that machine
handle my cvs completely remotely, but my real question is abount using
cache, or any other suggestion you could toss at me.


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