this one might seem a bit odd.

I have two firewalls, unfortunately, one of them is still running 3.8
and will be upgraded in the next week or two.  Until then, I have a
problem.  I upgraded the second last night and immediately had problems
with FTP.  they are setup as such:

inside network ---> fw1 -- dmz network --> fw2 ---> internet

fw1 is 4.0
fw2 is 3.8

here is what is weird.  I have their respective ftp-proxy running on
each, prior to the upgrade of fw1 to 4.0, I could ftp from the inside
network to the DMZ and out to the internet.  Since last night, I cannot.
Here is what I can do:

1) ftp from inside to dmz
2) ftp from dmz to internet

However, the 4.0 ftp-proxy and the 3.8 ftp-proxy don't seem to like
working with each other.  When I attempt to ftp from the inside network
all the way out to the internet, I can get connected, but if I attempt
to do a transfer I receive a 'connection refused'.  Here is the output
of 'ftp':

$ ftp
Connected to
220 NcFTPd Server (licensed copy) ready.
Name ( ftp
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.

[snip out ASCII art]

230 Logged in anonymously.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> ls
500 EPSV command not understood
227 Entering Passive Mode (216,92,2,143,206,192)
200 PORT command successful.
550 Cannot connect to - Connection refused.

now, here is the kicker...neither firewall is blocking ANYTHING...not a
thing shows up via tcpdump on pflog0.

from the looks of the output from the 550 message from the FTP server,
my old 3.8 acts like it isn't proxying properly the FTP traffic coming
from the 4.0 firewall.  As of last night, it was, but not since the move
of 4.0.

is there something different about the way that the 4.0 ftp-proxy
translates that would make the 3.8 ftp-proxy not act the same?


Systems Engineer, NovaSys Health LLC.
501-219-4444 ext. 646

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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