

I've setup an OpenBSD 4.0 (release) server to accept incoming IPsec

connections (using isakmpd). As long as the clients are not behind a NAT

things work great. However, as soon as NAT-T comes into play, things

stop working.


In order to diagnose to problem I tried to perform a controlled test:


Initially I did a pfctl -d, just to make sure it's not in the way.


Logging was performed using: tcpdump -ni enc0 -w ..  tcpdump -ni rl0 -w

..  isakmpd -d -D A=99 > ..  ipsecctl -s all > .. (periodically)


and wireshark was running on the client. These logs are NOT included in

this mail just to save some space, in case they are wanted/needed, I'll

be happy to include them (obviously I'll happily send dmesg and

isakmpd.conf as well).


The client (Microsoft Windows Vista) and the server negotiate SAs and

setup flows without any problems and the client system start sending ESP

packets. First I tried some TCP traffic (HTTP), then I tried some ICMP

(ping) ... nothing.  The server is not responding at all. When examining

the enc0 logs you can see the packets sent by the client. The TCP

packets seem to get a bad checksum, don't know if that is "supposed" to

happen. The ICMP packets seem to get through correctly. But the server

doesn't respond with a single packet. As soon as I'm not using IPsec

everything works fine.


Thank you for you help



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