Hi there,

Quick question about the way ifconfig deals with txpower for ral cards.. Maybe I'm being silly, but I find it rather hard to believe that my wireless card is transmitting at 100dBm. Yet, that's what ifconfig claims. Call me stupid, but I'd much rather see no value than one that's incorrect.

The man pages don't really mention anything about how this value is obtained, or what happens if you tell the card to use a txpower level that it simply can't reach, so I'm a bit at a loss here.. On my windows box I can just tell the thing to broadcast at 25/50/75/100% of it's capacity, and the lower end of that scale always works just fine here. How exactly do I tell my interface to that in openbsd?

Also .. seems like both my ral cards (edimax EW7108PCg and a usb version of it) have a problem with the powersave option. Ifconfig just tells me that the option is an invalid operation or some such. Is this a known problem? If not, I'll gladly provide you with a dmesg or anything else you might need..

(And just FYI, I am running a patched 4.0)

Thanks :)

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