On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 10:02:38AM -0500, Eric Furman wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 00:05:56 +0200, "Paul Irofti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> said:
> > I have changed one of my workstation's IP with:
> > 
> > $ sudo ifconfig vr0 inet
> > 
> OK, I'll ask a dumb question and I apologize if this seems too obvious.
> Did you first bring the interface 'down', before changing the IP
> address? And then bring it back 'up', afterwords? Changing the IP 
> address on the fly can result in a number of unexpected things
> happening.

Heh, that must've been it. Reading your message I realized I don't
remember marking it as down before issuing the command. I remember doing
a bunch of ups and downs afterwards, but not before.

Thanks, I think that explains it. I've done this multiple times and
never had any trouble until last night. I was sure there was something
dumb I did (-:

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