On 1/27/07, Ramdas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Group,

Is it possible to convert a old intel ( BSD based ) machine with less
ram & hdd into a thin client.

I want to install minimum BSD on the machine and convert it to a thin client.

The idea is to have a secure & robust terminals which can have a
minimum BSD and a GUI interface for users. This thin client should
talk to a central server over ethernet or a dial up modem connection .

Sorry in case this is discussed earlier.



I've done it successfully to enable end-users to connect to a virtual
desktop using OpenBSD 4.0, fluxbox and idesk (for desktop icons).  I
keep the systems updated with rdist.

The whole system fits onto a 512MB flash card.  it boots right up to a
desktop with icons for each user, they just have to select their icon
to get their virtual desktop.

It runs fine in under 128MB of RAM.

running top reports:
load averages:  0.15,  0.10,  0.09                                     10:11:00
21 processes:  1 running, 19 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.8% interrupt, 99.2% idle
Memory: Real: 26M/83M act/tot  Free: 161M  Swap: 0K/512M used/tot

I'm thinking of adding snort onto these for a distributed NIDS, or
adding wireless cards to extend my wireless network, but those are
both low priorities.


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