Christoph Peus wrote:
> Hi,
> assumed that I have installed OpenBSD to an USB memory stick and the box 
> is booting from this "drive" successfully and I've taken these 
> precautions to avoid frequent writes to the write cycle limited memory 
> stick:
> - there's no swap space configured
> - all logging is redirected to an external syslog server
> - the system offers no service which needs to write to harddisk (only pf 
> running)
> Are there still reasons not to use such a setup? Are there system 
> processes, which write to disk frequently? Other possible problems?
> Thanks!
> Christoph

I just bought a 2G USB flash drive for less than $20US.
LONG before the flash fatigues from the finite number of writes, I'll:
  1) Lose the thing.
  2) Drop something on it and snap it off
  3) step on it
  4) forget what computer it is on
  5) Something I haven't thought of, but will get everyone laughing
themselves silly when I do it.

Long before that 2G drive fails, I'll probably have replaced it with a
200G flash drive that I paid $10 for...even if none of the above
"disasters" happen.

You could also use the "noatime" option of mount/fstab, see mount(8).
You could use pre-loaded MFS
or you could just not worry about it. :)

At the price these things are hitting now, I'm suspicious the failures
of them won't be due to excess write cycles...


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