
can you run a tcpdump on your physical interface an see if you receive carp advertisements from the other box in the form of

09:53:25.278656 CARPv2-advertise 36: vhid=42 advbase=1 advskew=1 demote=0 (DF) [tos 0x10]

and/or do you have firewalling which might block the carp traffic?

Best Kai

Hey all,

I have two openbsd 3.9 boxes set up with 3 carp interfaces(spread out
across 3 physical interfaces). I have preempt=0 in sysctl. My
carp0(em0 carpdev) and carp1(em1 carpdev) behave properly - never run
into any issue(i.e. the primary firewall always has it's carp0 and
carp1 in MASTER, while the backup is in BACKUP state). But my
carp2(em2 carpdev) goes into a MASTER state on both firewalls.

I've doublechecked everything in hostname.em2 and hostname.carp2, all
looks fine. I have a pfsync interface over em3 on these two firewalls.
Even if I manually try to force the states via a:

ifconfig carp2 advskew 10 on the primary
ifconfig carp2 advskew 239 on the backup

the backup firewall still goes into MASTER state for carp2 almost
immediately(both the primary and backup firewall are in MASTER state
for carp2).

What other info might someone need to help me figure this out? I
presently dont have carp logging enabled, but will do so if no one has
any ideas from my above description.


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