If you have trouble reading this email, go to the online version.

Dear Headteacher / School Office Manager

We are writing to you to tell you about our new school information
resource service. It is designed to deliver regular information to
teachers and the school management.

We use both email and post. Whilst all the content of our mailings may
not necessarily be relevant at the time, it probably will be of interest
in the future. There will be a monthly product archive of mailings on our
website. Each mailing will be clearly identified as originating from
Edumailing.com - The School Information Resource. We insist on this.

We greatly appreciate your co-operation in forwarding emails to the most
appropriate recipient on your staff.
All the information and materials we send are considered legitimate
business mail. If any of your staff would like to opt in to this service
they can be added to our distribution email list which has been compiled
from the published contacts given by your LA.

Our system has been used by LA supply teacher services, ICT and SIMS
training and support, Classroom Design, School Photographers and
Prospectus Designers as well as E-learning and Curriculum resources to
deliver key information to teachers. We will assist suppliers build user
groups and discussion forums, and we can use our software to deliver
surveys and event registration to schools.

Emails are more cost effective so it does allow suppliers, particularly
those involved in ICT and VLE technology to demonstrate products, where a
brochure may not be as effective.

This service enables the smaller specialist or niche producers of
teaching resources to reach their subject teachers economically.

Each month we will send you a School Information Resource Pack. Our pack
will contain leaflets and brochures from suppliers and manufacturers as
well as key educational related activities such as exhibitions and
conferences. By putting all the information in one convenient pack it is
easy to deliver to the staff room for the staff to look through.

Thank you for your co-operation and we hope you find this a useful

Richard Leonard

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The Schools Information Resource Service
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