On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 06:24:38PM -0500, I wrote:
> I have completed tests with small files, and am now running a test w/
> 8GB or so of data.  

It works, using shunt/flyisofs.  I will be making offsite backups much much
more than I will be restoring them, and this is fairly easy:

        shunt -c 'dump -0af - /path/to/backups' + 
           'flyisofs mbc=2295104 fbc=2000000 |
           growisofs -Z /dev/rcd0c=/dev/fd/0'

The shunt program prompts to start the dump, and also prompts to start
flyisofs, so one must depress ENTER twice after entering this rather long
command.  Note that  mbc = media sectors.  DVD+RW uses 2,295,104 2048-byte 
sectors.  Note also that fbc is under 4GB, to avoid any ISO9660 problems.

The flyisofs program will close when the ISO is full, and shunt will prompt
me to restart it, so I have time to change media and press ENTER again.

> I am going to look into amanda, it may solve all my operational issues. It 
> could make disaster recovery a little more complex, as it is 3rd party 
> software.  
I have looked.  2.4.5 is really for tape only.  2.5.0 has not been ported,
and its introduction mentions optical, but ... it is the same as 2.4.5; you
must write backups to hard drive in CD or DVD sizes, and then burn them 

> Even if I end up going with Amanda, I may still port shunt so that is 
> available for others.
I've started, I should have it done this evening, and will post it on ports@
when I think it's ready.


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