atstake atstake escreveu:
> My named doesn't bind to my private IP and only binds to localhost.
> starting BIND 9.3.2-P1
> command channel listening on
> command channel listening on ::1#953
> I already have the listen-on option in /var/named/etc/named.conf file
> pointed to my private IP.
> options {
> listen-on {; };
> allow-recursion { clients; };
> };
> If I do a "named -c /var/named/etc/named.conf" it gives error -
> none:0: open: /var/named/etc/named.conf: file not found
> loading configuration: file not found
> But the file is there and all files under /var/named are root:named.
> My "/var/named/etc/named.conf" symlinks to /etc/named.conf. And if I
> start bind typing "named" it starts on by reading
> /etc/named.conf by default.
> Also, if I do "named -c /etc/named.conf -g" it actually listens on my
> private IP along with localhost. Netstat output -
> *.*
> Any help would be appreciated.
AFAIK, bind on openbsd listen on all interfaces. Even the dynamically
created ones. The only issue i found is, that it doesn't listen on or ::, it listens on each address of each interface. When an
interface is created, like a ppp or a tun interface, it take a time to
listen on that interface. I don't know how long is this time, but it
never was a big deal to me. I think you don't need to set the listen on
option, unless you really need it. And also, you must edit the file
/var/named/etc/named.conf. After, simply issuing a named, with no
options, will use that file and run in chroot.

My regards,
Giancarlo Razzolini
Linux User 172199
Red Hat Certified Engineer no:804006389722501
Moleque Sem Conteudo Numero #002
Slackware Current
OpenBSD Stable
Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft
Snike Tecnologia em Informatica
4386 2A6F FFD4 4D5F 5842  6EA0 7ABE BBAB 9C0E 6B85

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