Fetching the latest i386 snapshot files I could not help noticing that
the snapshots directory contains a number of near duplicate archives
and .fs files with both *40.* and *41.* names, ie there are two
base*.tgz files:

-r--r--r--    1 1114     1114     42403082 Feb 14 17:13 base40.tgz
-r--r--r--    1 1114     1114     42401670 Feb 14 17:13 base41.tgz

and oddly enough the index.txt file lists a few of those near
duplicate file names as well.  The timestamps make me think that some
cpu cycles may have been wasted generating more archives than are
actually needed, but I assume it won't be long until this is corrected.

Which reminds me - People, the time to test snapshots is now.  If
you're not already routinely downloading and testing snapshots, now is
an excellent time to start.  Any feedback you generate and issues you
help resolve will help making 4.1 the greatest ever release.

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
http://www.blug.linux.no/rfc1149/ http://www.datadok.no/ http://www.nuug.no/
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