I keep seeing the subject coming up.

Yes, a complete OpenBSD solution would be nice.

However only two persons offer some possible financial help to make this happen, but nothing concrete.

In any case, I put the wheel in motion to replace a commercial solution my business use, and I will do what I need to replace it. How long will it takes, well...

Time is not endless, free will is goodwill only and in limited resources, and money doesn't grow on trees either.

So, may be your $$$ help can speed things up more. But, real good talent for writing is properly is very rare, but welcome possibly.

So, fell free to contact me, but $$$ is really what's needed most in the end to speed up the progress and to get this off the ground to give it a life of it's own sooner then later.



PS: Disclaimer. Selfish needs prompt me to move ahead regardless.

PS2: I put many reference in the archive and on undeadly below.






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