> Greetings,
> Does it make any difference if I group my rules like this .....
> ## logs smtp sessions
> pass in log on $ext_if proto tcp to $mailhost port smtp keep state
> ## Pass all outgoing traffics
> pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp all flags S/SA keep state
> pass out log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $mailhost to any port smtp
> keep state
> pass out on $ext_if inet proto { icmp, udp } all keep state
> Or, like this .........
> ## logs smtp sessions
> pass in log on $ext_if proto tcp to $mailhost port smtp keep state
> pass out log on $ext_if inet proto tcp from $mailhost to any port smtp
> keep state
> ## Pass all outgoing traffics
> pass out on $ext_if inet proto tcp all flags S/SA keep state
> pass out on $ext_if inet proto { icmp, udp } all keep state

Last matching rule wins so the second example won't do what you're


Also, try to use "flags S/SA" on all of your stateful TCP rules unless you
have a good reason not to.

Kian Mohageri

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