To start with, I based my anti-spam on the system described at and it works very very

I think someone already suggested limiting the size of files that are
scanned by the anti-virus, and I'd second that opinion. Chances are your
boss and everyone else at your company has antivirus running on their PC
right? So, the antivirus running on your mail server is just one of many
lines of defense against virii. Let it handle the easy stuff (less than 5MB
or whatever works for you) and leave the heavy lifting to the workstation AV
that's installed anyway. You need to find that happy balance between
performance and AV on your mail server, and make sure the boss knows you
have to make this compromise because of the performance issues caused by
large attachments. Either that or she has to buy you a 4-proc dual core box
to handle all the AV processes.

If she keeps complaining, remind her that the reason it's taking so long to
get a 50MB email is because the person sending it is doing so on a 129Kb/s
DSL uplink, not because your mail server is slow.

-----Original Message-----
From: stuartv [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:39 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Org (E-mail)
Subject: Email server and large Emails.

I have FINALLY been allowed to schedule time to replace the aging mail
server.  Currently, it is running OpenBSD 3.7, with sendmail, smtp-vilter,
and clamav.  This is our internal mail server and it uses fetchmail to get
our email off of the public server and sends our email out using a smart
relay host provided by our ISP.  When I originally set this server up I was
also running spamassassin but had to remove it because it was causing the
system to time out and stop getting mail for some reason that I never
figured out.  The boss where I work has NO sense of humor about not getting
her email, and doesn't seem to get enough spam that it bothered her so I did
the "better part of valor" thing and just axed the spamassassin.  Lately, we
have been receiving emails with larger and larger attachments which has been
causing the clamav to take to long scanning them and thus a time-out and
again, no more email until I get it straitened out.  

So now to my question.  What software works really well for an internal mail
server?  I would like some spam protection and I NEED Anti-virus, and I need
it all to work even when a customer sends an email with a 50M file
attachment because they sometimes do.

I don't mind doing the research and figuring out how to make it all work
(although a point in the right direction would be appreciated).  I just
would like to know what people are using that really works for them.

Stuart van Zee
Dataline Systems, Inc.

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