Jeez, I sense some hostility on [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Andreas, It's a nice effort,
but unfortunately, it won't support the goals of f2k7.  The most
important lacking thing for the hackathon is fast, memory-packed
machines, and lots of disks.  AKA, modern expensive, top of the
line stuff.  It seems to me that developers just don't have that
stuff lying around (hence their asking for it.) If these machines
were avaliable, distcc would see a lot of diminishing returns.
However, without the hardware for f2k7, nothing is getting off the

It seems to me like you want to help.  Distcc sadly is a band-aid
for this gaping wound.  So, perhaps if you have a few large disks
lying around you could donate/loan them?

Travers Buda

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