Le Samedi 3 Mars 2007 23:31, Tobias Ulmer a icrit :
> On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 10:43:52PM -0500, Peter wrote:
> > I am scripting (sh) some package installs on an updated (today)
> > OpenBSD 4.0-STABLE system and I am getting errors even when the
> > pkg_add command ultimately succeeds and installs the packages.
> >
> > The shell script in question and sample output:
> >
> > export
> > PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.0/packages/i386/ for i
> > in bash \
> >            wget
> > do
> > pkg_add $i
> > done
> And the point is? you can just do a pkg_add bash wget

The point is that inside the loop I prompt the user whether to install
or not.  I also have a much longer list of packages that what I gave.

> > Error from ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.0/packages/i386/:
> > Unknwn command.
> > wget-1.10.2p0 complete
> This is a warning from ftp.openbsd.org because it doesn't
> understand EPSV or something, just ignore it.

Thank you.

> > BTW, I am also having trouble specifying a package whose name
> > contains version numbers like:
> >
> > cvsup-16.1h-no_x11
> >
> > I would rather include this in my for loop as:
> >
> > cvsup-*-no_x11

[ snip ]

> pkg_add -i <list of packages>
> (interactive only)
> or grab $PKG_PATH/index.txt, grep whatever you need and feed it to
> pkg_add.

Thanks for these ideas.


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