On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 06:14:17PM +0000, Paul Pruett wrote:
> I suspect that anywhere ad berkely datafile was created
> under i386 it may have problems being used under amd64
> unless exported on i386 and imported on amd64?

Yes, that's how Berkeley DB works.

> And I am extremely grateful to past admins in postings that
> advised adding these things to backups:
> /usr/local/sbin/slapcat -f /etc/openldap/slapd.conf \
>  | /usr/bin/gzip > /var/openldap-data/backup.ldif.gz

Best practice anywhere a binary data format is involved, but
doubly so with bdb.

Good luck.  And next time, set up a test box and pilot this 
stuff without hosing your users.  Also a best practice. :)

David Terrell
((meatspace)) http://meat.net/

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