Scott Radvan wrote:
On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 16:57:37 -0600
Jeff Bromberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have listed my dmesg and ifconfig at the end of this post for reference. The problem I'm having is that any ftp or lynx traffic to an external (ie. outside of my LAN) host comes in at 200KB/sec. Meanwhile, my Windows boxes which are on the same switch, router and cable modem, can pull down from the net at over 800KB/sec. I have swapped cables, tried different ports on the switch and done every
other type of A/B test to no avail.  I have also tried both physical
nics on the off chance that I had a hardware issue with one of them.
When I transfer between the OpenBSD machine and an XP machine over
the gigabit ethernet (again using ftp) I get 7500KB/sec.  That's
obviously a lot better, but when I transfer between two XP machines
(again with ftp) I get 17000KB/sec.

But here's where it gets really weird (to me at least).  I can run 3
ftp or lynx sessions at the same time and get 200KB/sec on each of
them.  So obviously the NIC, router, cable modem, etc. are capable of
the total throughput that I'm after, but I can't seem to get it in
any one connection.   The throughput is always so close to 200KB/sec
regardless of the client, server, server load, etc. that I can't help
but think that there's some kind of throttling limitation in effect
here.  Of course the fact that the local LAN traffic is not limited
to this rate blows that theory, unless the limitation is actually
based on the media type (100MBit vs. 1000MBit).  I'm pretty much out
of ideas!

Any thoughts?

You might like to check your net.inet.tcp.recvspace and
net.inet.tcp.sendspace sysctl settings, as mentioned here in the FAQ,
Section 6.6.4.

I saw a similar problem on my ADSL2+ line, until changing these
particular parameters. With any luck, it will allow you to make full
use of your connection speed and resolve the issues you are having.

Wow, what a difference. THANK YOU so much. I'm now getting 700KB/sec instead of 200KB/sec. That's with those parameters set to 131072 instead of 16384 the default. I tried 256k and it didn't see to improve any more so I backed it back down.

Thanks again!

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