On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 16:30 -0400, Dave Anderson wrote:
> >1)  is my syntax wrong?  YES
> >2)  OK, what is wrong with it?  Pointed out and understood.
> Evidently, *not* understood.

Evidently, you can read my mind and know what I do and do not
understand.  That's fricken' amazing!

> >3)  Good, now what is the correct syntax?
> >
> >number 3 is where we sit.  I understand that the {} syntax is for text
> >expansion.  What I don't understand is whether when someone use {}, is
> >the list evaluated as a logical AND or a logical OR?
> Neither.  It does text expansion, as several people have already told
> you.  *All* it does is transform one rule into several rules;
> evaluation is exactly the same as if the original ruleset included the
> resulting rules -- there's no AND or OR involved.  The *effect* (in
> this case) is the same as if the {} construct were evaluated as an OR
> within a single rule, but that's not how it's implemented.

fine, that is how it is.  so that answers my question from the previous
message.  {} is treated differently in a table than in a rule.

but it still doesn't answer my question.  With a default block all rule,
is it possible to pass traffic out to anyone except those defined in a
particular table without the need for further block rules?

if yes, then I'll figure it out.  if not, a simple NO will suffice.

the following is what I'm NOT looking for:

block log all

pass in on bge1 from <insdie> to any keep state

pass out on bge0 from <inside> to any keep state
block out on bge0 from <inside> to <outside> keep state
block out on bge0 from <inside> to <llcidr> keep state

this accomplishes what I want, but I feel the use of more block
statements past the first one is extraneous.

Systems Engineer, NovaSys Health LLC.
501-219-4444 ext. 646

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