Hi list,

Please Cc: me in your reply, I'm not subscribed.  Thanks.

I've already sent this to Apache users' ML and was redirected here
because it appears OpenBSD's httpd(8) is more or less heavily
patched.  According to them, this problem would not occur with
a classical Apache (I couldn't test it yet, the computers are
at work).

I'm fiddling a bit with OpenBSD's default httpd(8) to create a very
simple reverse proxy.  Unfortunately, I'm experiencing a weird
behaviour when I use the ServerName directive.

The configuration file is straightforward:
%   ServerType standalone
%   ServerRoot "/var/www"
%   PidFile logs/httpd.pid
%   ScoreBoardFile logs/apache_runtime_status
%   Listen
%   User www
%   Group www
%   Port 80
%   ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
%   ServerName proxy.jeremie.vmware
%   UseCanonicalName On
%   LogLevel debug
%   LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
%   CustomLog logs/access_log common
%   LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache/modules/libproxy.so
%   <IfModule mod_proxy.c>
%       ProxyPass / http://www.jeremie.vmware/
%       ProxyPassReverse / http://www.jeremie.vmware/
%   </IfModule>

When I comment out the ServerName directive, the reverse proxy works.

When ServerName is used, it doesn't work anymore and I get the
following error message in Firefox:
%   Proxy Error
%   The proxy server could not handle the request GET /.
%   Reason: Host not found

DNS names are correctly set:
%   tintin:/var/www/conf 223# host www.jeremie.vmware
%   www.jeremie.vmware is an alias for haddock80.jeremie.vmware.
%   haddock80.jeremie.vmware has address
%   www.jeremie.vmware is an alias for haddock80.jeremie.vmware.
%   www.jeremie.vmware is an alias for haddock80.jeremie.vmware.
%   tintin:/var/www/conf 224# host proxy.jeremie.vmware
%   proxy.jeremie.vmware is an alias for tintin40.jeremie.vmware.
%   tintin40.jeremie.vmware has address
%   proxy.jeremie.vmware is an alias for tintin40.jeremie.vmware.
%   proxy.jeremie.vmware is an alias for tintin40.jeremie.vmware.

As you can see, I asked for debug message in ErrorLog, but I can't
see anything relevant.  The only line issued when the query is made
is :
%    [Thu Mar 15 18:40:40 2007] [debug] proxy_cache.c(0): No CacheRoot,
%    so no caching. Declining.

Though this may appear quite off-topic, I tried to provide
httpd.conf(5) with a CacheRoot directive, but this doesn't resolve my
problem...  Instead I have the following messages:
%   [Thu Mar 15 18:42:31 2007] [debug] proxy_cache.c(0): Request for
%   http://www.jeremie.vmware/, pragma_req=(unset), ims=0
%   [Thu Mar 15 18:42:31 2007] [debug] proxy_util.c(0): File
%   /proxy/K/A/I/[EMAIL PROTECTED] not found
%   [Thu Mar 15 18:42:31 2007] [debug] proxy_cache.c(0): Local copy
%   not present or expired. Declining.

Any clue will be welcome!
Thank you.
Jeremie Le Hen
< jeremie at le-hen dot org >< ttz at chchile dot org >

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