On Sat, Feb 17, 2007 at 10:23:28PM +0100, Vim Visual wrote:
> >Agreed. It's not the lawsuit that makes people use Linux instead of the
> >BSD's; it's the holier-than-thou,
> >fuck-'em-if-they-dare-question-our-judgement attitude.
> >
> >Jeff
> indeed...
> actually, I was curious to see what answers fumione would get
> Mine is: I have been using GNU/Linux for years and I have also noticed
> that o'bsd is a _bit_ slower on the desktop, sometimes. But no that
> slower.
> In any case, I'd recommend you that you try to think in a different
> way. Don't try to make OpenBSD be like your linux, because it isn't
> (it's much better ;) ) Look for other possibilities.
> For instance: Have you tried to go back to mozilla? In my case firefox
> was behaving very buggy and consuming too much cpu. It's supposed to
> be a light-weight version of mozilla but I find that mozilla itself is
> much faster than firefox and doesn't consume almost anything (and the
> fonts are looking better too)

It goes like this for me: I want to google something, start up Firefox, then
realize it will take long. So while Firefox is loading I start Links, type
www.google.com, type the query, read the answer, close Links. Then Firefox pops
up and I just kill it. Seriously.

I can recommend using Links for general browsing and firing up Firefox only
when Javascript or CSS is needed, if you are concerned about Firefox execution
speed. Extra benefit: Links has an image autoscale feature which is perfect for
viewing online pictures. You can also calibrate Links for your monitor gamma,
aspect ratio and LCD optimization, and Links has a fast bilinear rescaler, so
the result are much better pictures than Firefox.

> Let us (at least me) know
> Cheers,
> Pau

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