Anyone saying this has not used openbsd's ftp.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2007 at 09:11:38AM +0100, Thomas Leveille wrote:
> look for gwget, kwget or kwebget which are wget frontends.
> I don't think any of them is in the port tree though, feel free to 
> contribute :)
> On 3/21/07, Leonardo Rodrigues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Ahh, sorry, I did write FILE manager instead of DOWNLOAD manager :D I
> >need more coffee...
> >
> >Yeah, wget is great, I use it a lot, but I'm looking for something
> >more... graphical. Being able to have lots of downloads in a nice
> >queue list is a must for me... I mean, I don't want to have tons of
> >mp3's being downloaded each one with its own wget process. I usually
> >end up having tons of files on a queue list, some firefox extensions,
> >like "flashgot", make things REALLY easy =)
> >
> >I guess I'll give downloader 4 X a go... I just hope it will compile
> >nicely on OpenBSD =)
> >If all else fails, I'll try flashget/getright emulation with WINE...
> >
> >--
> >An OpenBSD user... and that's all you need to know =)
> >
> >
> -- 
> --
> Thomas Leveille

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