On 3/21/07, chuckr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am going into doing a bit of compiling on my Zaurus.  I have both a
Linux and a FreeBSD server, both pretty fast Intel boxes, sitting right
besides them, and in fact, all of my source directories (sources for
/usr/src and /usr/ports) are remotely mounted from my FreeBSD box (sept
is my Zaurus, april my FreeBSD, and june my Linux box).

What am I getting on about?  Well, compilation, as I now do it, ssh'd
into sept from april (the FreeBSD box).  Is there anything that anyone
else is doing, that they're actually gotten to work?

I'm wondering about doing maybe a cross-compiler.  I'm not sure about
the spec of the floating point work, you need to get that precisely
right.  If anyone is doing this successfukky, I sure would like to hear
a report about it.  It takes me about 2 days to do a /usr/src build.

Shouldn't take two days. NFS mount your /usr/src and /usr/obj and it
will go much faster.

The CF card is something like 5MB/s on mine.

Don't cross compile, you'll spend more time finding bugs that were
snuck in than you will have saved. Buy a more powerful arm computer,
like a Thecus :)

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