
i am looking for a video streaming program and noticed ffmpeg did it over http. installing ffmpeg from packages gave the following...

4.0 GENERIC i386, no X11

> sudo pkg_add -v ${PKG_PATH}ffmpeg-20060312p1.tgz
parsing ffmpeg-20060312p1
Dependencies for ffmpeg-20060312p1 resolve to: sdl-1.2.9p1-sun (todo: sdl-1.2.9p1-sun)
ffmpeg-20060312p1:parsing sdl-1.2.9p1-sun
Can't install sdl-1.2.9p1-sun: lib not found X11.9.0
Even by looking in the dependency tree:

Maybe it's in a dependent package, but not tagged with @lib ?
(check with pkg_info -K -L)
If you are still running 3.6 packages, update them.
Can't install sdl-1.2.9p1-sun: lib not found Xext.9.0
Can't install can't resolve sdl-1.2.9p1-sun


it seems strange to me that ffmpeg requires X11 by default.

so which streaming program that can do RTP would the list recommend?

many thanks


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