mail-lists wrote:
I've looked over this mailing list and noticed some questions about maxclusters

I'm running a wireless ap and for some reason the wireless link seems to die on me intermittently
Looking at /var/log/messages I notice errors referring to maxclusters.

I then increased my maxclusters to 65000 and haven't had it going out yet (I'm running very aggressive ping tests from a host connected to a local WIRED network)

However, when I do a netstat -m I notice mbuf clusters goes up and up and never comes back down. Is this what's supposed to happen? What happens when it maxes out again - I imagine I lose my wireless link?

I'm running openbsd 4.0

Sorry about the lack of detail in this post - unfortunately (much to my emberassment) this is running in production and I need to babysit this thing.

Any suggestions would be appreciated


Sorry - I should have mentioned I'm using the ral driver on my wireless interface.

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