The send and receive socket buffer space has nothing to do with forwarding
performance. This will only affect connections from and to the box itself.

but don't routed packets go to and from the box itself?

My download speeds on my mythtv/ubuntu system jumped from 1.5Mb/s to
12Mb/s after increasing those on my firewall.

I think the bigger problem are the PCMCIA nics. PCMCIA is a slow bus
comparable to ISA and most PCMCIA cards are evil old clones of already
terrible MAC chips. Also check the duplex mode -- autonegotiation can
fail with older cards.

I tend to agree that the problem is likely here.  Laptops tend to not
have superfast bus speeds.

I also wonder if he actually meant that capital B.  500KB isn't too
shabby (what's that 4Mb?) while 500Kb isn't so good.  If he's actually
pushing 4Mb through his laptops crappy old pcmcia that may be as good
as it gets.


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