On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 10:51:23AM +0800, Lars Hansson wrote:
> Jeremy Huiskamp wrote:
> >I'd like to hear an actual developer position on that statement.
> Check the archives for Reyk's comments on WPA. It will be in OpenBSD one 
> day because, secure or not, it is gaining traction and is/will be 
> required by  many AP's (especially "enterprise" AP's).
> ---
> Lars Hansson

Why bother adding WPA when you can turn many wlan cards into AP-mode and
have an OpenBSD box serve wireless computers with IPsec capabilities.
You then have an AP with many more capabilities than any
linksys/netgear/whatever AP.

And btw, as I can't control radio waves, I consider it inherently
insecure. Therefore I don't leave sensitive data traveling in the air.

"Linux is for Windows(c) haters while BSD is for UNIX lovers".

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