System Administrator wrote:
> On 30 Mar 2007 at 10:21, Aaron Poffenberger wrote:
>> I was recently running apcupsd without problem.  Nevertheless I
>> swtiched, recently, to nut [1] because it's so much better.  It has
>> excellent APC monitoring.  If your APC is Smart or a Backups Pro model,
>> it can control all the exposed functions.  Even cooler, it's called nut
>> because it's the "Network UPS Tools" kit.  If you have more than one
>> system plugged into the same UPS, the system monitoring the UPS can let
>> other systems know they should shutdown so everything goes down cleanly.
>>  Lastly, it has a nice scheduler that send you alerts when the UPS has
>> been on battery power for some n period of time and let you know when
>> it's back on the mains.
>> Use nut.  You'll be happy you did.
>> Aaron
> Actually your information is inacurate and unfairly biased.
Inaccurate -- quite possibly.  Biased -- not.  I have no particular
interest or association with either project.  I offered my opinion after
running both straight from the ports tree.  The tag on apc-upsd in ports
(apc-upsd-19991128) certainly implies its very old.  So it's quite
possible the OP meant a newer version.  I'll offer this clarification --
the version of nut in the 4.0 ports tree SMOKES the apc-upsd-19991128
port in the same.  See reasons above.  ;-)
> Both NUT and APCUPSd have very similar capabilities for shared UPSes 
> and notifying other servers, as well as reporting, graphing, etc. In 
> fact, they share a lot of code (pls review the changelogs) and even the 
> comm protocol is similar although by default it runs on different 
> ports.
> The major difference has to do with their development cycles, goals and 
> sponsorship. Namely, APCUPSd is totally independent development of UPS 
> management code for only one brand of UPS (APC) and with frequent 
> releases. In the last 3 years NUT has not been properly updated; its 
> original goal was to support as many UPS brands as possible; and in 
> recent years it has been "sponsored" by MGE. (I believe that includes 
> full-time employment for the primary developer.) Now, an interesting 
> recent development may change this analysis completely -- the fact that 
> APC has been acquired by MGE, but only time will tell the story...
>> [1] Found in ports.  Online documentation at
>> <>.
>> Thierry Lacoste wrote:
>>> I'd like to know if it is safe to run apcupsd-3.14.0.
>>> There are some issues regarding pthreads on OpenBSD
>>> raised in the apcupsd-3.12.x user's guide but these issues
>>> are not mentioned anymore in the apcupsd-3.14.x user's guide.
>>> Is it better to use apc-upsd from ports?
>>> It seems to be a bit old and I could not find any documentation
>>> on how to configure and use it.
>>> Any recommandations would be much appreciated.
>>> Regards,
>>> Thierry.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> System Administrator                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Bitwise Internet Technologies, Inc.
> 22 Drydock Avenue                     tel: (617) 737-1837
> Boston, MA 02210                      fax: (617) 439-4941


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