on my not so busy i386 4.0-current web server I get "uvm_mapent_alloc: out of 
static map entries" ~ once every two days. The archives bear a wide range of 
suggestions, from tweaking kernel feature xy to not touching anything, because 
that's stupid.

However, this message bothers me a bit and so I am seeking for advice how to 
track the problem down (if any).

The machine runs apache with mod_gzip, openssl and php5 plus myqsql. I have set 
those up in a most default way, for mysql I've followed the guidelines on 

below you'll find output of vmstat -m, netstat -n and ps aux


$ vmstat -m
Memory statistics by bucket size
    Size   In Use   Free           Requests  HighWater  Couldfree
      16     9497 285415          219951100    1280      83060
      32     3563 108949          102837831     640     903052
      64     4463  61329            4411422     320     338543
     128     5238   9162             987939     160       7321
     256     5185    239             826192      80      18140
     512     9244    340            1313642      40      79758
    1024     2241     51            6078151      20    1445813
    2048      163     23              32751      10      11346
    4096       30     32              87109       5      59289
    8192       72     48                770       5        474
   16384        5      0               1905       5          0
   32768       33      0               1527       5          0
   65536       10      0                462       5          0
  131072        0      0                864       5          0
  262144        0      0               1241       5          0
  524288        0      0               3584       5          0

Memory usage type by bucket size
    Size  Type(s)
      16  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, UFS mount, sem, dirhash,
          in_multi, exec, xform_data, VM swap, UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB,
          USB device, temp
      32  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, ifaddr, vnodes, UFS mount, sem, dirhash, proc,
          VFS cluster, ether_multi, xform_data, VM swap, UVM amap, USB,
          packet tags, temp
      64  devbuf, pcb, routetbl, UFS mount, sem, dirhash, in_multi, pfkey data,
          UVM amap, UVM aobj, USB, NDP, temp
     128  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, vnodes, dirhash, ttys, exec, inodedep,
          UVM amap, USB, USB device, ip6_options, NDP, temp
     256  devbuf, routetbl, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, vnodes, shm, VM map, sem,
          dirhash, file desc, proc, NFS srvsock, NFS daemon, newblk, UVM amap,
          USB, USB device, temp
     512  devbuf, pcb, ifaddr, ioctlops, mount, UFS mount, shm, dirhash,
          file desc, ttys, exec, UVM amap, USB device, temp
    1024  devbuf, ioctlops, namecache, UFS mount, file desc, proc, ttys, exec,
          UVM amap, UVM aobj, crypto data, temp
    2048  devbuf, ifaddr, sysctl, ioctlops, UFS mount, shm, file desc, pagedep,
          VM swap, UVM amap, temp
    4096  devbuf, ioctlops, UFS mount, file desc, MSDOSFS mount, UVM amap, temp
    8192  devbuf, NFS node, namecache, UFS quota, UFS mount, ISOFS mount,
          inodedep, UVM amap
   16384  devbuf, indirdep, UVM amap, temp
   32768  devbuf, namecache, UFS mount, VM swap, UVM amap
   65536  VM swap, UVM amap
  131072  UVM amap
  262144  UVM amap
  524288  UVM amap

Memory statistics by type                           Type  Kern
          Type InUse MemUse HighUse  Limit Requests Limit Limit Size(s)
        devbuf   534   744K    809K 39322K      890    0     0  
           pcb    32     4K      5K 39322K    17572    0     0  16,32,64,512
      routetbl    74     6K      7K 39322K     2101    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
        ifaddr    39     9K      9K 39322K       39    0     0  
        sysctl     3     3K      3K 39322K        3    0     0  16,256,2048
      ioctlops     0     0K      4K 39322K  1072008    0     0  
         mount    10     5K      5K 39322K       11    0     0  512
      NFS node     1     8K      8K 39322K        1    0     0  8192
        vnodes    55     7K     43K 39322K   216146    0     0  32,128,256
     namecache     3    41K     41K 39322K        3    0     0  1024,8192,32768
     UFS quota     1     8K      8K 39322K        1    0     0  8192
     UFS mount    41    91K     91K 39322K       41    0     0  
           shm     3     3K      3K 39322K       18    0     0  256,512,2048
        VM map     3     1K      1K 39322K        3    0     0  256
           sem    11     1K      1K 39322K       74    0     0  16,32,64,256
       dirhash    75    14K     49K 39322K    53331    0     0  
     file desc    25    10K     13K 39322K     2909    0     0  
          proc    19     3K      3K 39322K       19    0     0  32,256,1024
   VFS cluster     0     0K      4K 39322K   295516    0     0  32
   NFS srvsock     2     1K      1K 39322K        2    0     0  256
    NFS daemon     1     1K      1K 39322K        1    0     0  256
      in_multi    24     1K      1K 39322K       24    0     0  16,64
   ether_multi     4     1K      1K 39322K        4    0     0  32
   ISOFS mount     1     8K      8K 39322K        1    0     0  8192
 MSDOSFS mount     1     4K      4K 39322K        1    0     0  4096
          ttys   420   263K    263K 39322K      420    0     0  128,512,1024
          exec     0     0K      2K 39322K    91851    0     0  16,128,512,1024
    pfkey data     1     1K      1K 39322K        2    0     0  64
    xform_data     0     0K      1K 39322K    15201    0     0  16,32
       pagedep     1     2K      2K 39322K        1    0     0  2048
      inodedep     1     8K    138K 39322K     5762    0     0  128,8192
        newblk     1     1K      1K 39322K        1    0     0  256
      indirdep     0     0K     32K 39322K      577    0     0  16384
       VM swap    12   149K    149K 39322K       13    0     0  
      UVM amap 38204 10322K  21426K 39322K230385205    0     0  
      UVM aobj     3     2K      2K 39322K       18    0     0  16,64,1024
           USB    74     7K      7K 39322K       74    0     0  16,32,64,128,256
    USB device    21     9K      9K 39322K       21    0     0  16,128,256,512
   crypto data     1     1K      1K 39322K        1    0     0  1024
   packet tags     0     0K      1K 39322K 89855426    0     0  32
   ip6_options     1     1K      1K 39322K        1    0     0  128
           NDP     6     1K      1K 39322K        7    0     0  64,128
          temp    42     8K     40K 39322K 14521250    0     0  

Memory Totals:  In Use    Free    Requests
                11735K  13682K    336536550
Memory resource pool statistics
Name        Size Requests Fail Releases Pgreq Pgrel Npage Hiwat Minpg Maxpg Idle
extentpl      20  8831969    0  8831780    70    39    31    58     0     8    8
phpool        40     1201    0      903     4     0     4     4     0     8    0
pmappl       128    97111    0    97061     3     0     3     3     0     8    1
vmsppl       220    97111    0    97061     4     0     4     4     0     8    1
vmmpepl       88 109145168   0 109131761 129938 129520 418 3141     0     8    8
vmmpekpl      88   322754    0   322725     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
uaoeltpl      84      307    0      307     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
aobjpl        52       17    0       15     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
amappl        40 72340499    0 72330277 11400 11244   156  1107     0     8    8
bufpl        124  1263824    0  1263824     4     0     4     4     0     8    4
mbpl         256 263374097   0 263373933  402   389    13    61     1     8    2
mclpl       2048 153487512   0 153487448   81     0    81    81     4  3072   48
sockpl       204   107967    0   107914   234   222    12    45     0     8    8
procpl       356    97128    0    97061     8     0     8     8     0     8    1
zombiepl      72    97061    0    97061     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
ucredpl       80    12878    0    12856     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pgrppl        24     8129    0     8107     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
sessionpl     48     5497    0     5476     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pcredpl       24    97128    0    97061     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
lockfpl       52 33279112    0 33279107     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
filepl        88 16485057    0 16484378    16     0    16    16     0     8    1
fdescpl      296    97129    0    97061     7     0     7     7     0     8    1
pipepl        72    93802    0    93786     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
kqueuepl     192       11    0       11     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
knotepl       64       22    0       22     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
sigapl       316    97111    0    97061     6     0     6     6     0     8    1
pfiaddrpl    100      161    0      137     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
wdcspl        96 12122287    0 12122287     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
namei       1024 74847781    0 74847781     2     0     2     2     0     8    2
vnodes       156     2621    0        0   101     0   101   101     0     8    0
nchpl         72     1310    0        0    24     0    24    24     0     8    0
ffsino       188 11922503    0 11919895   125     0   125   125     0     8    0
dino1pl      128 11922503    0 11919895    85     0    85    85     0     8    0
pagedeppl     68     2227    0     2227     3     0     3     3     0     8    3
inodedeppl    84    37696    0    37696   115   107     8    47     0     8    8
newblkpl      32    57792    0    57792     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
bmsafemappl   32     6758    0     6758     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
allocdirectpl 68    48705    0    48705   101    93     8    52     0     8    8
indirdeppl    28      847    0      847     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
allocindirpl  52     9087    0     9087    42    34     8    24     0     8    8
freefragpl    32     2882    0     2882     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
freeblkspl   108    27758    0    27758    46    38     8    31     0     8    8
freefilepl    28     6718    0     6718     8     0     8     8     0     8    8
diraddpl      32    12413    0    12413    28    20     8    18     0     8    8
mkdirpl       28      778    0      778     3     0     3     3     0     8    3
dirrempl      32     9602    0     9602     5     0     5     5     0     8    5
newdirblkpl   16       81    0       81     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
dirhash     1024    71690    0    71586    97     0    97    97     0   128   71
shmpl         64       16    0       15     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
semapl        68       72    0       63     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
semupl       100    26531    0    26530     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfrulepl     824      824    0      774    21     0    21    21     0     8    0
pfsrctrpl    124     4189    0     4188     1     0     1     1     0   313    0
pfstatepl    284    62907    0    62906    47     0    47    47     0   715   46
pfaltqpl     224       78    0       75     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
pfrktable   1240       61    0       57     3     0     3     3     0   334    1
pfrkentry    156      110    0      104     1     0     1     1     0  3847    0
pfosfpen     108    19488    0    18792   316   297    19    19     0     8    0
pfosfp        28    11396    0    10989     3     0     3     3     0     8    0
rtentpl      108      106    0       76     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
rttmrpl       32      110    0      110     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
tcpcbpl      400    83723    0    83709   525   514    11    81     0     8    8
tcpqepl       16    52249    0    52249     1     0     1     1     0    13    1
sackhlpl      20    81316    0    81316     1     0     1     1     0   163    1
synpl        184    55165    0    55165     1     0     1     1     0     8    1
plimitpl     152     4357    0     4341     1     0     1     1     0     8    0
inpcbpl      216    90404    0    90375   248   238    10    46     0     8    7

In use 3440K, total allocated 20188K; utilization 17.0%

$ netstat -m
71 mbufs in use:
        65 mbufs allocated to data
        1 mbuf allocated to packet headers
        5 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses
64/162/6144 mbuf clusters in use (current/peak/max)
376 Kbytes allocated to network (38% in use)
0 requests for memory denied
0 requests for memory delayed
0 calls to protocol drain routines

$ ps xua
root         1  0.0  0.0   440   100 ??  Is    13Feb07    0:00.03 /sbin/init
root     26436  0.0  0.0   472   172 ??  Is    13Feb07    0:00.05 syslogd: 
[priv] (syslogd)
_syslogd  7078  0.0  0.0   544   492 ??  I     13Feb07    0:05.25 syslogd -a 
/var/named/dev/log -a /var/empty/dev/log
root     18775  0.0  0.0   628   140 ??  Is    13Feb07    0:00.01 pflogd: 
[priv] (pflogd)
_pflogd  22424  0.0  0.0   696   204 ??  S     13Feb07    1:24.25 pflogd: 
[running] -s 116 -i pflog0 -f /var/log/pflog (pflogd)
named    25955  0.0  0.1  2080  1280 ??  S     13Feb07    0:08.85 named
root      6405  0.0  0.0  1464     4 ??  Is    13Feb07    0:00.00 named: [priv] 
root     17938  0.0  0.0   504   396 ??  Is    13Feb07    0:00.06 ntpd: [priv] 
_ntp     17893  0.0  0.0   460   368 ??  I     13Feb07    0:05.26 ntpd: ntp 
engine (ntpd)
root       314  0.0  0.1   520   640 ??  Ss    13Feb07    0:04.96 cron
root     12483  0.0  0.1  1080   796 ??  Ss    13Feb07    1:37.01 sendmail: 
accepting connections (sendmail)
_symon     335  0.0  0.0   452   332 ??  Ss    13Feb07    7:15.99 
root      5676  0.0  0.1   616   696 ??  Ss    13Feb07   85:17.33 
www       6946  0.0  0.7  3032  6964 ??  Ss     5Mar07    0:41.10 httpd: parent 
[chroot /var/www] (httpd)
root      8410  0.0  0.0   392   428 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.01 /bin/sh -c 
root     26495  0.0  0.0   452   432 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.01 /bin/sh -c 
root     13543  0.0  0.0   420   408 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.01 /bin/sh -c 
root     29992  0.0  0.0   372   396 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/cronolog -l /var/www/...
root     10107  0.0  0.0   452   396 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.02 
/usr/local/sbin/cronolog -l /var/www...
root     24008  0.0  0.0   520   392 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/cronolog -l /var/www/...
root     11066  0.0  0.0   428   396 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/cronolog -l /var/www/...
root      4936  0.0  0.0   592   424 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.01 /bin/sh -c 
root     11847  0.0  0.0   400   404 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.04 /bin/sh -c 
root     27548  0.0  0.0   524   424 ??  I      5Mar07    0:00.03 /bin/sh -c 
www      31752  0.0  3.1  4212 32152 ??  S      5Mar07   47:10.18 httpd: child 
www      19881  0.0  3.1  3872 32260 ??  S      5Mar07   46:26.30 httpd: child 
www       5964  0.0  2.9  3984 29900 ??  S      5Mar07   40:02.20 httpd: child 
www      28634  0.0  3.3  3960 34052 ??  S      5Mar07   43:03.64 httpd: child 
www      29958  0.0  3.1  4048 32256 ??  S      5Mar07   37:46.10 httpd: child 
root     29786  0.0  0.0   368   396 ??  S      5Mar07    0:00.02 
/usr/local/sbin/cronolog -l /var/www/webs/...
root     22184  0.0  0.0   288   424 ??  I      5Mar07    0:01.18 
/usr/local/sbin/cronolog -l /var/www/webs/...
www      30094  0.0  3.4  4204 35580 ??  S      5Mar07   39:51.35 httpd: child 
www      21739  0.0  2.6  4192 27512 ??  S      5Mar07   44:02.97 httpd: child 
www      10320  0.0  3.3  4224 33872 ??  S      5Mar07   42:15.34 httpd: child 
www        715  0.0  3.3  4208 34616 ??  S      5Mar07   41:32.49 httpd: child 
www      11269  0.0  3.3  4228 34360 ??  S      5Mar07   49:40.89 httpd: child 
root     13481  0.0  0.1   684   948 ??  Is     6Mar07    0:00.02 
/usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd222_config
root     29631  0.0  0.1   572   964 ??  Is     6Mar07    0:00.55 /usr/sbin/sshd
root      4806  0.0  0.1   492   848 ??  Is    12Mar07    0:00.01 
/usr/local/bin/svnserve --listen-host=... -d -r /var/svn
root     15197  0.0  0.2  3176  2204 ??  Is     2:32PM    0:00.07 sshd: figu 
[priv] (sshd)
figu     22290  0.0  0.1  3212  1460 ??  S      2:32PM    0:00.10 sshd: [EMAIL 
figu     22118  0.0  0.0   520   484 p0  Ss     2:32PM    0:00.01 -ksh (ksh)
figu     12151  0.0  0.0   332   236 p0  R+     2:47PM    0:00.00 ps -xua
root      9042  0.0  0.0   660   496 p1- I      1Mar07    0:00.02 /bin/sh 
_mysql   25775  0.0  4.4 65704 45956 p1- S      1Mar07   57:27.54 
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local --datadir=/var/mysql --u
root       831  0.0  0.0   340     4 C0  Is+   13Feb07    0:00.01 
/usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyC0
root     30211  0.0  0.0   360     4 C1  Is+   13Feb07    0:00.00 
/usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyC1
root     24741  0.0  0.0   340     4 C2  Is+   13Feb07    0:00.00 
/usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyC2
root     25249  0.0  0.0   204     4 C3  Is+   13Feb07    0:00.00 
/usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyC3
root      8897  0.0  0.0   272     4 C5  Is+   13Feb07    0:00.00 
/usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyC5

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