On Apr 2, 2007, at 2:37 AM, Raul Aldaz wrote:

Does any body know of any experience mounting this in a vehicle? I would like to use it to provide wireless internet access with something like a
Merlin or Novatel pcmcia card.

I have not physically mounted one in a vehicle but I did do this type of setup. It worked great. I would definitely suggest you use a Compact Flash to boot from. Only the net4801 supports a hard drive anyway. You can take a look at flashdist:


or flashboot:


Both of these projects are based on OpenBSD. They are both good options and can give you some pointers on how to setup your system. A GENERIC kernel works on a net4801 or net4526 but you need to compile a kernel from flashdist for the net45xx series. I think flashboot has pre-compiled kernels for that as well.


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