if someone is still reading the thread...

1. marcus makes mistake
2. michael tells the world
3. theo plays theater

1. it's not rocket science not to commit gpl licensed code into
the public cvs tree under a bsd license and let it sit there for
months.  esp. with the openbsd kind of draconian license audits.
it's not rocket science, and thus it's hard for linux people to
believe it was not intentional, but again, its obviousness is
the proof it couldn't have been intentional.  pray, who wouldn't
have noticed the gpl code in there?

2. let's stop for a moment, and think why michael would make a
mistake like this, again, it's not rocket science, it was a
mistake.  let's play the associations game.  i say "openbsd
developer" you say the first three things that come into your
mind.  ready?  go.  mine were: "theo", "arrogant", and
"difficult".  now let me state publicly after my fair share of
flame wars on misc@ that i do not believe on any day, that all
openbsd devs are like this.  not even the majority.  maybe no
one is like that these days... but the thing is, that these are
some of the attributes openbsd got associated with in the past,
a stigma.  so i wouldn't be surprised if michael just skipped
the first step of the rules of engagement and called in the
heavy artillery right away. it's not that far fetched, do you
work in big company?  the first thing you learn is to cc: all
the managers if you want to get something done for real.  so he
did.  at this point there could have been a nice and easy
solution if markus just explained publicly what he did.

3. theo's repeated (to the point of "shut up, already!", which
he uses so frequently) cries for empathy, downplaying marcus's
mistake and at the same time enlarging michael's is the most
postmodern literature i have read this year.  it's absurd.
imagine theo with tears in his eyes calling for empathy because
one of his developers has made a mistake and he's still managing
to insult people in the process!  just brilliant.

reading the whole thread i find it easy to see that theo made it
all worse.  marcus has made a mistake, but obviously, he's not a
thief.  the linux people have decided to deal with it this way,
not very nice but hey, life is not all cakes.  stand up like
a man, make a public answer, explain yourself and not hide
behind theo to deal with the PR.

and you almost did just that.  and then you deleted the driver
because ... because...  what was it again?  there is no public
explanatory mail between your list of choices and then erasure.
why was it really?  because some people hurt your feelings?
well, as theo used to say, v-v-very frequently: boo hoo, the
world is a harsh place.  the poetic "justice" of it all.

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