Print a bell character, e.g. "print \\a" in ksh.  Use "xset b on" if
the bell has been turned off via "xset b off".


On 10/04/07, Manuel Ravasio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello list.

I have a small, trivial task I can't accomplish and I'm sure you guys can
help me in a second.
I'm creating some shell scripts for various administrative purposes, and I'd
really like to add some kind of command at the end of each in order to have
the pc speaker BEEP when the script is over.

Is there a way to do so on OpenBSD 4.0/i386?
I've shuffled through MISC archives and FAQs, but I found nothing relevant...

Thank you all,

Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Andreas Kahari
Somewhere in the general Cambridge area, UK

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