On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 05:58:52PM +0200, Henning Brauer wrote:
> * Paolo Supino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-04-14 17:53]:
> >   From the technical aspect, I agree with you. But non technical people 
> > don't see (or understand) that :-( I wish I had time to sit down and 
> > find out how to exploit the webapp. I tried to bring in a company to do 
> > penetration testing, but I was refused the budget for it.
> >   I can't fix the problem completely, but I can put measures in place 
> > that will reduce the problem to an acceptable level.
> yeah, cut the cable.
> otherwise at least tell us the IP address (range) so we can all 
> blacklist it.
> really, there is no solution (or even half reasonable band-aid) that is 
> nbot "fix the application"

Henning brings up a good point: can't you explain to management the cost
of fixing the application vs the effort of getting yourself off all
blacklist that you soon will be on?

Otherwise, try mod_security.


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