On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 03:45:35PM -0400, Jean-Daniel Beaubien wrote:
> >What are your power requirements? Just a single server? How big of a
> >system are we talking about? ...mainframe, onyx, or a single opteron?
> >
> >
> >Regards,
> >~Jason
> My power requirements are very small.  The server is running an Athlon
> xp 2000+ with 2 HDDs in raid 1 (no screen).  And that's the only thing
> that will be attached to the UPS.

  i got an APC 'Smart-UPS 2200 RM' offa ebay for like $500 after shipping,
  new battery.

  got ahold of a serial cable for it, and am using nut to watch
  the status just fine.

  on-battery-oh-crap powerdowns work dandy for it and the machines and
  random things that're hooked to it.

  last i remember i'm sucking about 350-400 W [1] at any given time off the
  UPS, and it lasts about 25-35 minutes after a power off situation, with
  everything staying powered on.

  if i drop everything except for the VIA and its dsl modem, it lasts a
  hell of a lot longer ( i think i saw it last just about 2h or so the
  one time i did that )

[1] {
        hp netserver ld pro (old ppro, 3 SCSI HD)
        2x soekris 4801
        soekris 4501
        via 310-dp board+case
        apc masterswitch 9210
        xyplex console server
        16 port ethernet switch
        16 port kvm
        2x dsl modems



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