On Mon, Apr 16, 2007 at 03:48:00PM -0500, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
> >
> >> Having the mail daemons use SQL for auth was too slow.
> >>
> would using postgreSQL for auth with postfix / Dovecot be slow even if
> you used top of the line hardware say a dual core CPU and 4GB memory
> w/ RAID 0?I am thinking very strongly about moving our Exchange Server
> to postfix / PostgresSQL.

Dunno, ask the postfix list.

ISPs measure customer numbers by tens of thousands, some by the million,
so SQL is no good for them. Mail servers are counted by the rack.

> >> Customers and support staff had web interfaces to postgres for
> >> config of
> >> services.
> >
> >I am going to have to look into that. Also, thanks to others for the
> >exim info as well as the vote for courier-imapd. I have used courier-
> >imapd and I found it to be a pretty good platform but I like dovecot
> >better personally.
> >

No probs. From what I see, the postfix list favours courier, but many
admins of large sites lurk there.

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