We're setting up a testbed which will be used for simulting our WAN and
testing pending changes before pushing the changes out to active remote
equipment in other cities (hmmm... we have 2 labs in Calgary, maybe
Theo could be our pleasant help desk guy there... ha! ;))

Anyhow, I really want to add delay to the links which simulate the WAN
runs. Searching around I see a lot of references to dummynet for
FreeBSD but I was hoping for more of a built-in OpenBSD solution,
something built into pf would be cool.

Most of our labs connect through CANARIE (think Internet2 in the US)
and have gigabit links out with few at 100 Mbit. We could fake some
crap bandwidth with altq but that wouldn't be realworld, I really want
added latency not an arbitratry upper limit on bandwidth with queues.

I'd prefer to not go the FreeBSD-dummynet route but if it's the best
tool for the job it'll have to do. Packetstorm's "IntarWeb-In-Teh-Box"
simulators are overkill for our needs and wallet.

Any suggestions?


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