At 12:38 PM 5/2/07, bubka20 wrote:

no, sorry, I'm meant base40.tgz, etc40tgz, etc.  My problem though is with
step#6.  I'm probably not creating the cd properly ( my cd contains files:
base40, bsd,, bsd.rp, comp40, etc40, game40, man40, misc40, xbase40,
xetc40, xfont40, xserve40, xshare40 in random order with no tree
structure..). Should I create them with a tree 4.0/i386/base40, bsd, etc.?
and if so, how do I do that?

I've noticed this same problem when creating custom cdroms for OpenBSD install. I could never get the install program to "see" the files sets if they were in the root directory on cdrom. In your burning software, copy the directory containing sets to cdrom instead of the files in that directory.

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