On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 11:34:55AM -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:
> have been coding touchscreen-driven applications using visual basic 
> lately and am sick of VB. i would much rather be using openbsd with 
> another programming language that allows me to accomplish the same sort 
> of stuff.
> i have no "formal" CS background so am at a loss for good candidates. 
> the applications in question are "click here, prints something in a text 
> box, etc" ones that are not very complex. a language that allows me to 
> generate GUIs quickly and securely would be nice.


I would recommend taking a look at tcl/tk.  Both are in the
ports/packages collection.  I'm not familiar with VB (thank goodness),
but if it's consistant with everything else that shop rolls out, even
the most simple "Hello World" is gonna generate something bloated.

Tcl/Tk will require some (very) basic scripting skills.


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