On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 09:08:58AM -0600, Steve Williams wrote:
> Check out a (very) recent thread initiated by myself with the subject 
> "rdr on bridge interface possible? (squid transparent proxy on bridge)".
> There are a few suggestions there, none of which have worked for me.  I 
> have no idea why it's not working for me.
> Let me know if you get it working!


I only posted a single rule before. Here are all the relevant parts...

ext_if="de0" # this if has an IP address

rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from <spamd> to port smtp \
        -> port spamd

pass in on $ext_if route-to lo0 inet proto tcp to port spamd

Note that the pass/route-to rule targets the *destination* of the rdr...

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  http://phxbug.org/      |  http://metabug.org/
http://www.stilyagin.com/  |  Daemons in the Desert   |  Global BUG Federation

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