On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 11:46:13AM -0700, Bruce Bauer wrote:
> >On 5/8/07, Joachim Schipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 09:05:44AM -0700, Bruce Bauer wrote:
> >> > Probably a good idea to put some load on the sytem anyway.

> >> > Running make in ports/www/kde should keep it busy for a while
> >> > Not familiar with bonnie++, I'll check it out
> > [snip: bonnie runs fine]
> update:
> i've experienced 3 more hard lockups.
> no messgaes on the console screen. nothing unusual in any of the log
> file that i've found. make running in /upr/ports/x11/kde was
> interrupted at different tasks each time, (downloading, compiling, and
> running a configure script). system recovered each time with no
> problems after a powercycle.
> are there some system monitoring tools i should be running to keep
> track of various resources?

No, not really; very few things you could do would cause the system to

Okay, so something is wrong. Troubleshooting it tends to be hard;
however, you are experiencing lock-ups, not crashes. Perhaps the box
simply gets too hot? Most modern systems have sensors, which can usually
be seen via hw.sensors, or at least the BIOS screen. Simply cleaning out
the mess tends to help here.


TFMotD: fpa, fea, fta (4) - DEC FDDI controller device driver

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