On Sun, May 13, 2007 at 11:20:14AM +0200, Frederic Durodie wrote:
> Apologies if this mail is a bit long, but I included most of the output
> of some commands as I think they might help you helping me telling how
> to proceed.
> I'm trying to make/install squidclamav on a newly configured OBSD 4.1
> firewall / squid proxy  on a i386 AMD/K6 450MHz 200MB pc for use at
> home.
> I guess I'm missing a library or a correct path to one somewhere but I
> am not expert enough to find what I need to do.
> squidclamav is not in the obsd packages/ports and I downloaded :
> squidclamav-3.0.tar.gz from http://www.samse.fr/GPL/squidclamav/
> I found instructions how to make/install on :
> http://www.kernel-panic.it/openbsd/proxy/proxy6.html
> where it is said that on need the curl package. This appeared to be
> already installed : curl-7.16.0.

The wonders of autohell. Some thing to try:

env CFLAGS=/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=/usr/local/lib ./configure
same as above, but with make
check ./configure --help if you can specifiy the curl location


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