> (Hurrah for the US health care system!)

You can add `Downunder` to the list, we follow you VERY closely!  Hope
you well.


>>> "Michael W. Lucas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 05/11 7:29 am
On Thu, May 10, 2007 at 03:11:09PM -0500, James Hartley wrote:
> On 5/10/07, Matthew Szudzik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does anybody know if there are plans for another printing?  Or maybe
> >a second edition?
> According to Lucas' Website, he still intends on writing an
> book for NetBSD.  I may be wrong, but I don't suspect we will see
> second editions of the other two volumes.
> http://www.blackhelicopters.org/~mwlucas/#stuff 


Competing publishers have taken to eavesdropping on what I'm writing,
and then rushing competing books of their own into print.  I no longer
publically announce what I'm writing at any time because of this.
Paranoid?  Perhaps.  I do run OpenBSD, however. ;-)

The publisher generally tells me when a book is out-of-print, but AO
is outdated at this point so they might not have.  Much of it is still
applicable, but it doesn't cover all the new nifty features that have
come out in the last few years.  It might also be in that "dregs can
be found here and there, but not really totally out of print" limbo.

Family medical problems have generally thrown my writing schedule into
the toilet the last couple of years.  (Hurrah for the US health care
system!)  But I am working on a tech book to come out later this year.


Michael W. Lucas        [EMAIL PROTECTED],
            Latest book: PGP & GPG -- http://www.pgpandgpg.com 
On 5/4/2007, the TSA kept 3 pairs of my soiled undies "for security

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